In order to develop all the proposed results, as well as their deliverables, numerous activities and actions have been established and structured according to the phases and objectives set out in the project "Speak Out: building a social and inclusive Europe from youth and migrant volunteering".

Orriols abre sus casas
Pintando contra el racismo
Tejiendo hilos
Teatro en el museo
Talleres con jóvenes
Pintando murales
Orriols abres sus casas


Preparatory phase
  • Selection activities of participants and decision-makers.
  • Training activities for participants on the E+ Programme, through virtual materials.
  • Virtual meetings and a face-to-face meeting.


Implementation phase
  • Working sessions to generate the constituent documents of the network.
  • Working sessions to develop materials for the dissemination and presentation of the new network.
  • Working sessions to develop the "Network Sustainability Plan".
  • Conference for the preparation of the "No Barriers Youth European Network" website.


Sharing and use of results
  • Network launch event in Lesvos, coordinated by Lesvos Solidarity.
  • Specific activities of presentation of the network carried out in Thessaloniki (Greece), Valencia (Spain) and Frattamaggiore (Italy). They will consist of bilateral meetings, talks and conferences to present the network.
  • Transnational meetings of the entities to present the network and its resources to their own partners and work teams.


All these activities aim to respond to the following objectives:

  • Develop a major transformation in the association's member organisations, implementing networking processes and more digital and sustainable practices, as well as structures focused on the European scale.
  • Encourage the creation of a broad network of entities involving both youth and social organisations in the field of migration and public institutions to support a new model of inclusion of migrant youth.
  • To create sustainable and living structures that grow with new members covering new sectors in order to promote a more inclusive European society adapted to the new reality.


Preparatory phase
  • Selection activities of participants and persons in charge.
  • Training activities for participants on inclusion, social context, SPEAK OUT and the Erasmus+ Programme.
  • Virtual meetings to finalise and ratify the contents of the guide.
Implementation phase
  • Working sessions to draft the contents of the guide.
  • National and virtual discussion sessions for the involvement of stakeholders in the creation of the guide.
  • Development of activities in the Orriols neighbourhood.
  • Replication of the activities in Naples.
  • Transnational meeting in Naples in order to bring together all the contents and finalise the guide.
Sharing and use of results
  • Presentation event of the guide in Italy, coordinated by Cantiere. It will be presented to decision-makers from NGOs, local and regional institutions, as well as those who will benefit from the new strategy and guide.
  • Occasional activities to present the guide to those responsible for other entities.

All these activities are intended to meet the following objectives:

  • Design the guide "We build our community together" to facilitate the inclusion of migrant youth and the local development of host communities, banishing hate speech.
  • To generate learning outcomes that facilitate young participants' inclusion and the possibility of achieving a future in their new home through their empowerment and the development of European values.
  • Transform the entities in the field of migration and youth, developing a new work strategy capable of improving their environment and empowering the beneficiary youth to achieve their inclusion.

manos alzadas


Preparatory phase
  • Activities for the selection of participants and leaders.
  • Training activities for participants about the social situation of the participating local communities and the Erasmus+ Programme.
  • Virtual meetings.
Implementation phase
  • Working days to draft the resources, the website and the dissemination campaign.
  • National and virtual debate sessions for the involvement of the beneficiaries in the creation of the resources.
  • Actions to paint the murals and record the videos.
  • Activities for the digital photo contest in local communities.
Sharing and use of results
  • Event to present the "In my shoes" resources to the local community of Lagkadikia, coordinated by IHA.
  • Occasional activities to present the results.

All these activities aim to respond to the following objectives:

  • Foster the local development of degraded communities that often host migrant youth.
  • To generate young communities that help their neighbourhood to overcome difficulties by actively engaging in creating more sustainable and less degraded local communities.
  • To develop the social peace of local communities through the creation of resources that have an impact on the awareness of local youth and their social environment.
  • Generate joint activities between indigenous and migrant youth.
  • Promote the participation of the whole local community in the development of the neighbourhood.
  • To fight against hate speech in Europe.



Illustrations from Freepik.